Monday, January 26, 2009

day 26

I spent the evening with my work fellows again, trying to wrap up the charter. This time we met at my house. It was really fun to host a group of people for dinner and it reminded me of how much I enjoy doing that. I will have to make the effort to do more of it! I love the feeling of a house full of good smells and laughter and people I enjoy.

Sharyn brought a bag of Oreos for our dessert and I was so excited to eat some with a big glass of ice, cold milk! These are absolutely one of my childhood favorites. My parents love to tell the story of my sister and I heading down to the basement with the big, yellow Tupperware container of Oreos when we were kids. There, we would scrape out the creme filling with our teeth, reattach the cookies and put them back into the container. :) These days, I don't open them up. I just like to dunk them in milk and eat 'em up in two bites. Delicious!

By the way, I still have that Tupperware container - I took it from my mom as she was clearing out 'old stuff.' Just the sight of it makes me smile.


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