Sunday, January 11, 2009

day 11

A little over a year ago, I started going to The Rock Church with my best friend Jody. I was raised Catholic but stopped going to church some time when I was in high school. Jody had been telling me about The Rock for a long time before I finally decided to join her. I wasn't sure I really wanted to go to church and had many run-ins with Christians back in college that really turned me off to the whole thing. A part of me also felt that, because I am Catholic, I shouldn't go to a church that wasn't.
From my very first visit I was so impressed by how dynamic and funny Pastor Miles is. The experience is NOTHING like the experience I had in church growing up. Sometimes I do miss the tradition, the feel of being in a beautiful church and the comfortable routine of mass but I have really been enjoying going to The Rock. Every week I am amazed by how relevant the sermons are to my life - it's a little unsettling sometimes but always gives me something to think about and I have grown so much from it all.

I always look forward to Sundays - to going to church with Jody and then out to lunch after it's over (especially during football season when we can root on the Chargers!) It's been a great time for us to spend together and I am so grateful that she shared this incredible part of her life with me. Thanks J - I love you more than I can say. :)


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