Sunday, May 10, 2009

day 130

I am making a concerted effort to save the planet. Arijana suggested that I get a pitcher with a water purifier in it and stop buying bottled water. I hate tap water so although I agreed with her that it was a good idea to cut back on the plastic, I was not convinced that I could 'get used to' drinking tap water. Well, I tried it. I still hate it. I am giving it another try with some strawberries and lemon to kill the bad flavor. I'll let you know how that goes. Funny thing is, as I look at this photo... everything else in my fridge seems to be in a plastic container.


Andrea said...

I think that a faucet filter can also help you get good tasting water. I have awful tasting tap, but my filter that I got at really makes it pretty tasty.

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